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  • Tension Gauge – 91 Model A

    SKU: SF0310138

    The Loos economy tension gauge takes the guesswork out of cable tension adjustment. It’s especially designed for accurate, repeatable tuning of a sailboat’s standing rigging. Manufactured of rugged anodized aluminum, the gauge is corrosion-resistant and will provide years of service. 

    Note: The intended use of this gauge is to be used on 302/304 1×19 Stainless Steel cable in appropriate sizes. If used on other cable types, sizes and construction your reading would be consistent (repeatable) but pound tension values would differ from those listed on the label. 

    MADE IN USA: Yes 

    Additional Information 

    Contrary to popular thought, a slack rig is more punishing on a hull than a properly adjusted, tight rig. Insufficient tension will reduce the loads transmitted to the hull. 

    Slack rigging will punish the spar and rigging needlessly by allowing excessive movement, chafe and shock loading. Modern fiberglass hulls should not be damaged by properly adjusted, tight rigs. 

    The diagram below lists the rigging tension under different conditions for a typical boat with a properly tuned rig and with a slack rig. It will be noted that the maximum load is the same. However, for the properly tuned rig the leeward shrouds will not go slack under normal sailing conditions. 

    The lateral stiffness of the mast and the fore and aft stiffness of the spreaders is reduced by a factor of 2 when the leeward shrouds go slack. This important structural characteristic is not generally recognized. 

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    Part Number Description 
    91-Model A Cable Sizes 3/32”, 1/8”, 5/32” 
    91-Metric Cable Sizes 2.5mm, 3mm, 4mm