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  • Std. Galvanized Thimble – EY411

    SKU: SF031754

    Standard Galvanized Wire Rope Thimbles protects the cable eye from wear or abrasion over mating part. 


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    Part No. Cable Dia. ABCDFEWt. Lbs. Per 100 pcs.
    EY411-4* 1/8 2 1-1/81-3/8 5/8 9/32 5/323.5
    EY411-6* 3/162 1-1/81-3/8 5/8 11/32 1/4 3.5
    EY411-8* 1/4 2 1-1/81-7/16 11/16 3/8 5/163.5
    EY411-10* 5/162-1/81-1/41-1/2 13/16 15/32 3/8 5
    EY411-12* 3/8 2-3/81-1/21-11/161 17/32 7/167
    EY411-14/16*7/16 1/22-11/161-3/41-15/161-1/8 11/16 9/1613
    EY411-18/20*9/16 5/83-1/22-3/82-1/41-7/16 15/16 11/1635
    EY411-24* 3/4 3-3/42-3/42-11/161-5/81-1/8 13/1650
    EY411-28* 7/8 5 3-1/83-9/161-7/81-9/321 88
    EY411-32*1 5-3/43-11/164-1/42-1/21-13/321-1/8104
    * Denotes Stock Item