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Filo medico SS 304V

Discover the superior strength and formability of 304V stainless steel. Explore its properties, specifications, and applications in medical wire products.

304V Stainless Steel Properties and Specifications

The 304V alloy exhibits excellent strength and formability. This particular alloy is electric-arc melted and then vacuum-arc remelted. Through this process, 304V is extremely pure and has minimal contaminants.

Composizione chimica (% di peso)
CarbonioManganeseFosforoZolfoSilicioCromoNichelMolibdenoAltri elementi
0.0802.000.0450.0301.0018.00-20.008.00-10.50W- 0.100
Proprietà meccaniche
 Ricottura completaCompleto duro
Resistenza allo snervamento48,000 psi280,000 psi
Resistenza alla trazione90.000 psi335,000 psi
Spools of fine wire
Proprietà fisiche
Modulo di elasticità28.5 x 106 psi
Restività elettrica720 μohms-mm
Connettività termica16.36 W/m K (100°C)
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