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Alambre médico SS 316LVM

Discover the benefits of 316LVM stainless steel, a high-purity medical wire alloy with exceptional corrosion resistance. Explore its chemical and mechanical properties for various applications.

316LVM Stainless Steel Properties and Specifications

316LVM alloy is vacuum melted to achieve the high levels of purity and cleanliness required by the medical industry. It has excellent resistance to physiological environments, to general and intergranular corrosion, to pitting, and crevice corrosion.

Composición química (% de peso)
CarbonoManganesoFósforoAzufreSilicioCromoNíquelMolibdenoOtros elementos
0.0802.000.0250.0100.7517.00-19.0013.00-15.002.25-3.00W- 0.100
Propiedades mecánicas
 Recocido completoFull Hard
Límite elástico45,000 psi205,000 psi
Resistencia a la tracción90.000 psi245,000 psi
Spools of fine wire
Propiedades físicas
Densidad0.287 lbs/in3
Módulo de elasticidad27.9 x 106 psi
Restividad eléctrica740 μohms-mm
Conectividad térmica16.3 W/m K (100°C)
what you spec
es_ESSpanish (Spain)