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了解 Loos & Co 公司如何通过支持当地组织和回馈社会来改善社区服务。

社区外联工作有助于 卢斯公司 在我们当地和其他地区做出贡献。这项活动包括直接向有需要的组织捐款。我们在 COVID-19 大流行期间开展的活动就是一个例子。在整个大流行病期间、 卢斯 在经济困难时期,公司将员工的健康和安全放在首位,同时也回馈社会。我们帮助庞弗雷特社区,为每位接种 COVID-19 疫苗的员工留出 $50 美元,捐赠给当地组织。这些捐款捐给了慈善机构、食品银行、筹款活动、老年中心和退伍军人组织等各种团体。请阅读以下有关这些活动的新闻稿。

community outreach

  • Loos & Co., Inc Donates $500 to St. Vincent de Paul Place

    Loos & Co., Inc Donates $500 to St. Vincent de Paul Place

    06/14/2021Second Food Pantry to Receive Donation in Two WeeksPomfret, CT, June 10, 2021— Loos & Company employees are paying it forward to their community by putting their coronavirus vaccination to further good use.This week, Loos & Company, in Pomfret, proudly presented a $500 check to support the mission of the St. Vincent de Paul Place…

  • Loos & Co., Inc Donates $500 to Support Veterans

    卢氏公司捐赠 $500 以支持退伍军人

    06/03/2021 Loos Employees Pay It ForwardPomfret, CT, June 2, 2021— Having spent years manufacturing products that support the military’s mission, Loos & Co. and its employees are taking on a new role to help veterans in their community.This week, Loos & Company proudly presented a $500 check to the support the mission of the Danielson…

  • Loos & Co. Gathers Food Donations

    Loos & Co. Gathers Food Donations

    12/01/2021Pomfret, CT, December 1, 2021 — Loos & Company, Inc. is asking for local residents’ help to fill the shelves of the Pomfret Community Market in a food collection event this weekend.Employees at Pomfret’s Loos & Co. will be collecting donations at the food pantry on Saturday morning.Local residents, business owners and community members are…
