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了解 Loos & Co 公司如何通过支持当地组织和回馈社会来改善社区服务。

社区外联工作有助于 卢斯公司 在我们当地和其他地区做出贡献。这项活动包括直接向有需要的组织捐款。我们在 COVID-19 大流行期间开展的活动就是一个例子。在整个大流行病期间、 卢斯 在经济困难时期,公司将员工的健康和安全放在首位,同时也回馈社会。我们帮助庞弗雷特社区,为每位接种 COVID-19 疫苗的员工留出 $50 美元,捐赠给当地组织。这些捐款捐给了慈善机构、食品银行、筹款活动、老年中心和退伍军人组织等各种团体。请阅读以下有关这些活动的新闻稿。

community outreach

  • Volunteer Fire Department Benefits From Loos & Co. Donation

    Volunteer Fire Department Benefits From Loos & Co. Donation

    08/31/2021Pomfret, CT, August 31, 2021— Since May, Pomfret’s Loos & Company, Inc. has donated close to $5,000 as part of its continuing philanthropic mission.The most recent recipient is the Pomfret Volunteer Fire Department, which received $500 from its neighbors.Fire Department Chief Brett Sheldon said the department is very appreciative of the company donation.“Loos and the…

  • Loos & Co. Donates to Local Health Department

    Loos & Co. Donates to Local Health Department

    08/27/2021Pomfret, CT, August 27, 2021— As part of a continuing outreach initiative, Pomfret’s Loos & Company, Inc. recently donated $500 to the Northeast District Department of Health to aid their ongoing local public services.Established in 1973, NDDH is a non-profit governmental organization that promotes wellness, prevents illness and protects the health of northeast Connecticut residents.“Your…

  • Loos & Co., Inc. Engineers Present at Killingly High School Career Center

    Loos & Co., Inc. Engineers Present at Killingly High School Career Center

    10/07/2021 Pomfret, CT, October 7, 2021 —Pomfret’s Loos & Company is committed to connecting with the local community through outreach activities such as community service, monetary donation, and education. To continue that effort, four engineers visited Killingly High School Career Center to conduct a presentation on employment opportunities in manufacturing.This presentation was held as part…
