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了解 Loos & Co 公司如何通过支持当地组织和回馈社会来改善社区服务。

社区外联工作有助于 卢斯公司 在我们当地和其他地区做出贡献。这项活动包括直接向有需要的组织捐款。我们在 COVID-19 大流行期间开展的活动就是一个例子。在整个大流行病期间、 卢斯 在经济困难时期,公司将员工的健康和安全放在首位,同时也回馈社会。我们帮助庞弗雷特社区,为每位接种 COVID-19 疫苗的员工留出 $50 美元,捐赠给当地组织。这些捐款捐给了慈善机构、食品银行、筹款活动、老年中心和退伍军人组织等各种团体。请阅读以下有关这些活动的新闻稿。

community outreach

  • Loos & Co. Donates to Eastern CT Veterans

    Loos & Co. Donates to Eastern CT Veterans

    05/26/2022Pomfret, CT, May 26, 2022 — For the second year in a row, Loos & Company is helping veterans in the eastern Connecticut area gather and receive life-saving services.This week Loos & Company was proud to donate a $500 check to support the Eastern Connecticut Veterans Community Center and Coffeehouse. This organization offers local veterans…

  • Loos & Co. Donates to School Robotics Clubs

    Loos & Co. Donates to School Robotics Clubs

    03/22/2022Pomfret, CT, March 21, 2022 — Pomfret’s Loos & Company is working to inspire youngsters in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields by donating to local schools’ robotics teams.The wire and cable manufacturer recently donated to the Ashford School and Killingly Intermediate School robotics programs.“This donation allows us to make a difference in our…

  • Loos & Co. Donates to Wildlife Conservation

    Loos & Co. Donates to Wildlife Conservation

    03/17/2022Pomfret, CT, March 17, 2022 — A coalition of conservation and local sporting groups is the recipient of high-quality cable and hardware donated from Pomfret’s Loos & Company.The wire and cable manufacturer is proud to have recently donated to the Thames Valley chapter of Trout Unlimited, a national freshwater conservation organization.TVTU is working with the…
