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Loos & Co., Inc. Dona EPI al Hospital Day Kimball

03/27/2020 Responding to a general request for much needed supplies, Loos & Co., Inc. has donated masks, gloves and other PPE supplies to Putnam’s Day Kimball Hospital. The donation was delivered on Thursday, the same day that the hospital’s director of development, Kristen Willis, was published in the Norwich Bulletin making a formal request for supplies. That request came the day after an appeal was made on local radio stations.

“As a vital resource in the community, Day Kimball provides medical care for many of our 300 employees”, according to Joe Stagon, Corporate Purchasing Direct for Central Wire, Inc., the parent company of Loos & Co., Inc. “And as a member of the business community here in Windham county for over 60 years, we feel it is our responsibility to support their current mission in any way we can.”

That mission is the treatment of individuals who become ill from COVID-19, the global pandemic that is currently stressing our healthcare system and stretching available resources to treat the current and potential influx of patients.

Loos & Co., Inc., based in Pomfret, was able to provide the hospital with a range of PPE, including gloves, masks, coveralls, face shields, chemical suits, and goggles from their current supply of materials. The donation will not affect the ability of the company to continue operations.

“We can adjust our production to parts and processes that don’t need these supplies,” continued Stagon, “But the hospital doesn’t have that luxury, They need these supplies now, and we are glad to be able to help.”

You can learn more about the donation process, and see a complete list of items that Day Kimball is seeking by visiting: https://www.daykimball.org/ppe-donations/default.aspx

Acerca de Loos & Co.

Loos and Company manufactures a wide variety of wire, aircraft cable, and wire rope. These products are used in medical, aerospace, military, and commercial applications, including – medical devices, aircraft flight controls, fitness equipment, and more. They are OEM producers for companies such as Boston Scientific, Boeing, General Dynamics, and Bombardier.

To learn more about Loos & Co., Inc, visit our website at www.loosco.com ¡hoy!

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