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Loos & Co, Inc dona $500 a St. Vincent de Paul Place


Second Food Pantry to Receive Donation in Two Weeks

Pomfret, CT, June 10, 2021— Loos & Company employees are paying it forward to their community by putting their coronavirus vaccination to further good use.

This week, Loos & Company, in Pomfret, proudly presented a $500 check to support the mission of the St. Vincent de Paul Place Food Pantry in Norwich.

This is the fourth donation in three weeks from Loos & Co. to local charities.

The donations are powered by Loos & Co. employees choosing to receive a coronavirus vaccination.

Una vez que el empleado recibe su vacuna, se hace una contribución de $50 al fondo general de donaciones.

“We wanted to create an incentive program to help out those most in need in the community,” said Central Wire Industries Rope and Assemblies Division President Tom Dodds. “We asked our employees to recommend local charities to support. The St. Vincent de Paul Place was at the top of that list for its great work.”

Donations were also given to the Pomfret Community/Senior Center, the Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse and the Putnam Daily Bread Food Pantry.

St. Vincent de Paul Place (SVdPP) was founded in 1979 to meet the basic needs of the poor and homeless in Norwich and the surrounding region. Staff and volunteers connect clients to food, hygiene supplies, social services and more.

“COVID-19 hit us hard,” said SVdPP Grant Writer and Media Coordinator Tim Hathaway. “We had less opportunities to gather together and learn more about our clients’ needs. Donations like these helps to bridge that gap.”

Loos Director of Corporate Marketing Robert Davis, Loos Director of Manufacturing Jason Kumnick and Dodds presented Hathaway with a check on Thursday.

Loos & Co., con sede en 16B Mashamoquet Road en Pomfret Center, es líder en la industria del alambre y el cable. Más información sobre Loos en loosco.com.

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